Sunday, August 14, 2011

Transport in Phuket...

conversation practice + share information

This is to have a conversation about the choices of transport.

1) Ask your staff to tell you the forms of transport available in Phuket.
2) Share their feelings about each type.
3) Everything has pros and cons.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lesson Plan - How 2 get 2.

conversation practice + vocabulary

This is to have a conversation how to describe a journey.

1) Ask your staff to describe places in the hotel.
2) Share the words to use to describe a journey.
3) Take the pupils (if possible) on these journeys.
4) Ask the pupils the same questions but the pupils are stationary.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lesson Plan - Thai superstition (III)

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation.

1) Ask your staff to list a Thai superstition.
2) Ask your staff to discuss what it is in English.
3) But what does it mean? 
4) The attached document is homework to discuss the next day individually.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lesson Plan - Location description

conversation practice + vocabulary

This is to have a conversation about describing the location.

1) Introduce the idea of telling someone where something is. (a map or a picture)
2) Share with each other the meaning of the text.
3) Look at the hotel map and describe the location of things.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lesson Plan - Thai superstitions (II)

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation Thai beliefs.

1) Ask your pupils what they think of a recent story / happening.
2) Do they believe what occurred (see above picture)
3) Share what other beliefs there are.
Note: Here is a blog about Thai beliefs.

These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lesson Plans - Proverbs

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation about Thai 'sayings'.
It is also an opportunity for the pupil to 'explain'.

Note: This came up after a previous lesson - A Word a Day
1) Explain to the pupils what 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' is.
2) Ask your pupils to tell you some sayings and explain it's meaning.
3) Ask your pupil if there is an 'origin'.
Note: This is a great site for Thai Proverbs.
This is a website of UK proverbs.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lesson Plans - Hide and Seek


This is a simple game for pupils to learn vocabulary

1) Discuss what is the picture on 6 discs - 
2) Cover each disc with a coloured disc.
3) Each pupil rolls the dice and a colour is shown.
4) Now the pupil must try to remember what on the disc under the colour.

These plans are all available for you to use.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lesson Plans - Directions

direction + hotel specific

This is to practice giving directions.

1) Distribute a map of the property.
2) Ask the pupil to explain how to get to 'x' from a position.
3) Repeat: but ask the pupils to ask each other.
4) Repeat: but change the starting position

Note: the pdf file is for homework and is regarded giving directions
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lesson Plans - Replying to requests

conversation practice + Hotel request

This is to practice replying to requests.

Note: There a number of flash cards which are held by the teacher
1) Ask your staff to reply to a common request from a guest ie;
 - where can i put my luggage? 
 - where is the nearest pharmacy?
 - how do I phone the UK?
2) A member of staff replies and another asks another question about the topic ie;
 - is my luggage safe?
 - will they have my drugs?
 - how much will it cost?
Download here. Set A. Set B. Set C.
These files should be printed, stuck together and made into 'flash cards'.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lesson Plans - What, who, which, whose?

conversation practice

This is to have a conversation using questioning text.
1) Write the words on the board.
2) Ask each pupil to ask another pupil a question using the word.
3) Ensure the pupil replies in full sentences (using the question).
4) Another pupil asks another question reliant on the answer.
5) The beginnings of a conversation.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lesson Plans - A polite reply AND?

conversation practice + problem solving

This is about recognizing a problem and fixing it

1) Ask your staff to discuss common problems.
 - have some of your own on hand 
2) Ask your staff how to apologize for the problem.
3) Ask your staff how the problem can be fixed - NOW.
 - can this complaint be avoided?
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lesson Plans - Superstitions (I)

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation about Thai superstitions.

1) Ask your staff to explain what a superstition is.
2) Share with them a superstition.
3) Ask them to share with you a superstition they follow.
4) Discuss whether the superstition has an origin
5) Click here for some superstitions that I am aware of.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Lesson plans Temple fair

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation about the Thai Temple Fair.

1) Ask your staff to tell you about a Temple Fair.
2) Ask them to explain what games they play and food they eat.
3) Choose a game each and explain the rules.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lesson Plans Magic Square

dictionary work

This is to use the dictionary.

1) Ask your staff to write down some words with 4 letters
 - they must be able to explain what the word means
 - they can use a dictionary 
2) Choose a word.
3) Find a word which begins with the last letter of the previous.
4) Repeat
5) Find a word which starts with the last letter of the previous AND ends with the first letter of the first word.

Note:  The squares can be used for the pupil to set a question for others to solve. 
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Lesson Plans Questions and Answers

questions and answers + game

This is to promote asking, understanding and replying to a question correctly.
A wonderful resource.

1) Give a 'person' to each player.
2) Ask each learner to ask another a question
 - is your person wearing?
 - does your person have?
Note: understanding of tense and have is necessary.
3) Ask your learners to split into two teams. 
4) Ask each team to ask a question of the other.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lesson Plans eating, shopping and cooking

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation about Thai Food 
and the culture of the family and home

1) Ask your staff to talk about their favourite Thai food.
2) Discuss what other people think.
3) Discuss whether anybody actually prepares the food.

Note: this is not always easy because of the divide between man and women in Thailand BUT if the class are capable this can be a secondary discussion.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lesson Plans - Answers

conversation practice 

The staff must listen to the question.

1) Ask your staff to think of an answer.
2) Ask your staff to think of the question.
3) Show the staff how the question can be ascertained by the words in the question.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Lesson Plans - A word a day

conversation practice + dictionary work
This is to promote conversation and use of the dictionary

1) Give all your pupils a sheet.
2) Everyday they bring in a new word and what it means.
3) They must be able to share with the class the meaning.
4) Can any of the staff put it in a sentence?
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lesson Plans - Festivals in Thailand

conversation practice + Thai culture

Richard Barrow's blog
This is to have a conversation about the Festivals of Thailand.

1) Ask your staff to explain what a 'festival is.
2) Ask your staff to tell you about a festival in Thailand is.
3) Ask them to explain about the 'other / less common' festivals are.
4) Each member finds about a less common festival and tells the group
 - for example; Por Tor festival; Bun Bang Fai... 

note: I have posted a blog about festivals which will give you some ideas
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Lesson Plans - Questions

conversation practice

What is a question?
Many answers are wrong because the question is not understood.

1) Ask your staff to think of a word which means that the sentence is a question.
2) Ask the staff to ask a question of someone else using the word.
3) Reply to the question.
4) Does anyone else have a question?
5) Repeat the process with all the questioning words and start a conversation.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lesson Plans - Loy Krathong & Festivals

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation about Loy Krathong.

1) Ask your staff to explain what they know about Loy Krathong.
2) Share what Loy Krathong means in Thai culture.
3) Ask your staff what they did in Songkran.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lesson Plans - Songkran & Festivals

conversation practice + Thai culture

This is to have a conversation about Songkran.

1) Ask your staff to explain what they know about Songkran.
2) Share what Songkran means in Thai culture.
3) Ask what they did in Songkran.
These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lesson Plans - Things to eat

conversation practice

This is to have a conversation about the kind of food 
your Thai staff like to eat and like to cook.

1) Ask your staff to think of a questioning word.
2) Write it on the board.
3) Ask the individual to ask a question of someone else using this word.    
4) Reply and repeat with another
5) Ask your staff to think of another questioning word

These plans are all available for you to use - they are pdf files which can be viewed.